Therapeutic methods

In therapy, my focus is on walking alongside you, as we get to understand your inner workings and to use these insights to motivate and plan for positive change.

A number of methods may be drawn on to assist us along the way, including but not limited to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Eye-Movement Desensitation and Reprocessing (EMDR) and insight-oriented psychodynamic strategies.

Each process will be unique, with key elements that are likely to be explored, including those below.


Most therapy sessions will provide an opportunity for emotions to be expressed, and to find some level of release. Strategies that can further assist with their appropriate expression may also be provided when appropriate.


Thoughts, and the beliefs that influence our emotions may be identified and explored. The experiences that have played a role in the formation of these beliefs may also be considered in the process.


Behaviours that reinforce negative thought patterns may be given some attention. When our emotions are validated and we grow more attune to our psychological processes, an increase in our desire to make positive changes often results.